Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Rant!! Rant!!

I just dont understand some people.

You make a mistake, you screwed up, and then you blame me?!

Like WTF? WTF?! I was just walking along, and suddenly I am attacked, scolded and screamed at!


I'm FAT!!!

Since begin back home, I have been enjoying the great food in Malaysia, and I juat cant stop!! After dinning on alot of fast food(due to it being cheaper), and alot of bad cardboard tasting food as well - I am finally back to hot cooked food, spicy, oily, juicy and availability of getting it anytime of the day, 24 hours!

However, due to the great food and all....I have actually gained weight. Alot of it as well. Nearly 9kg in 3 to 4 months!! I began to feel slower, lethargy, sluggish and recently, dizzness.

After a good kick in my butt, and alot of talking to myself, and a HUGE AMOUNT self control - I have put myself on a diet plan, and of course, started exercising!! I intend to lose at least 20kgs! Thats my goal and I am gonna go it!!

No more to fatty food - and especially RICE!

I can DO IT!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back again!

I really should get a freaking hold on keeping a blog.

I truly, honestly, amazingly suck at this.

I log on every now and then, compose a few posts.....one post, ok!

then I forget the damn blog.....again.

can I trade my brain for another?!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Captain America Rises From The Grave!

yes yes yes...he's back.

2 years after he was killed off, Captain America aka Steve Rogers is being brought back to life by Marvel. It would be nice to see ol' Steve back in action, but I do think that this constant move of killing off major comic characters only to have them reborn/resurrections is seriously becoming ridiculous.
It dilutes the life given up/scarficed by the character, and no longer holds any really meaning. I find that nowdays when I find out a comic character is killed unexpectedly, I am at first shocked, and after a few minutes, I just cant be bother about it anymore, cause you just know, from past record, they'll be back.
The impact that was once felt when Superman was killed, for me is lost with the repeating of these, "fake" deaths. Cause you know, give it enough time, the executives will bring the character back....again.....and kill him/her off.......and back again......

Check out the article at - http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/06/15/captain.america/index.html


Holy cow!

287 views?? Say what?! how the hell did I manage to get freaking 287 views?

expecially since I havent been updating this blog in like.....oh.....THAT LONG?!?!

I'll just shut up and be happy now...


back again...man!!

It is pretty clear by now, I really suck at keeping this blog alive. I just lose the time and get wrapped up in everything else, then I just forget about updating the blog.

and yes, I have been lazy, bone ass lazy. If I could, I would kick my own ass for my laziness.

things have happen, time moved on, and I have been thinking. but thats nothing new, for my mind is always thinking.

only difference is, I have decided to move on, to not only keep on thinking, dreaming, but to actually get some things done! to get my projects up and running, to get my life in order. to say what I want to say, do what I want to, and to get off my ass!

yeah, he's back, but time will tell if this time, its for real.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

He' s BACK!!


I am finally back! I was lost, avoiding, hidden, silent and sulking in my little cave in god knows where, but I have returned! And I am back with a vengence!

Why now you ask? well, its simple - I was found by someone. A kindred spirit who alike me, found me, and pulled me back to my own two legs, and here I stand!

thank you jelene.