Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Transformers Animated Toys Are Here!!

Oh helly yes!!!

The new line of transformers toys are finally here, after much waiting. The new toy line is from the current transformers anime, called Transformers Animated. The anime started off very well, but as of late, it seems to be slowing down and getting repeative and boring.

ANyways, I bought Optimus Prime (Cybertron mode), Bumblebee, Prowl and Megatron, but as I was short of cash, I put them in layby. I really love this line, as the movie line was a bit of a dissappointment to me. Dont get me wrong, the movie line was unique and refreshing, but they started to sell re-colour and re-packed versions, mean only means one thing: TOO MUCH STOCK to get rid off. And the TF movie line was going on for a damn long time as well.

I still want to get a few more, I hope there's a re-stock soon. I really want to get Starscream and Blitzwing!

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