Thursday, May 24, 2018

3 Years

It's been 3 years since I lasted posted.

3 years. Time does move forward and waits for no one.

A message from a kind person, with wonderful words brought firstly a smile and then the memories of my good old blog. I used to speak about my issues thru my blog as I felt I could not speak to another else. 3 years down and I still find things are the same.

It's not that I choose not to talk to another about my issues. It's more towards the lack of understanding that the person has. I am sure many of us have hear this reply "Oh, you think you have it bad? Well, do you know so and so are having this issues, yadda, yadda..... so your ISSUE is nothing actually?"

People failed to realize that everyone is different and each individual views their problems / issues differently. To you, a 50 cent coin may be worth nothing, but to another, that same coin could mean a saving, food or drink. So when you tell a person that their issue is nothing, you are not doing any favor and actually hurting that person even more.

Ah. I have forgotten how refreshing I feel whenever I updated this blog. And it does feel good.

I'm back.

Maybe. If I do not get sidetracked again.

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