Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The new job and my feelings...

As mention previously, I've been transferred from one company to another after a month working. From the factory to the office on the 23/03/2015. Normally I wouldn't have any issues with this, but this time, I have not clue as to what I am supposed to do. I entered the factory without any knowledge on the production items, and starting from scratch, I had to learn fast so that I could keep up with the rest. And now I am placed into another company, a IT company which I have no expertise at all. Hence I am unsure as to how I am gonna learn, as this is very out of my comfort zone! To make matters worse, I am all alone in the office. Yup - 9 to 6 daily, I sit alone here in this office where it can easily hold 15 staff. No one to talk to, no one to go for lunch, and instead I only have myself to keep company. But, truth be told, deep down, I feel relieved to be alone, so that no one can see how bad I have become. And, I miss her so much. Not talking to her, acting like complete strangers.... it is just killing me inside. I hate this. I do not know what to do or how to make things better. I just wish, things can go back to normal. I told myself that I am on the path of change, and instead of relying on friends by talking to them, I'm currently working things out on my own. I'm trying to be more independent at solving my problems, but it is hard. But I need to grow as a man, to be a better man than I am now. I'm slowly taking the steps, but I tend to get lost very often and I cannot see thru the darkness that clouds my path. I knew it was never going to be easy, but I didn't expect this to be this hard. And with me being so depress, for every roadblock I reach, I take 5 steps back. It is a constant struggle to move forward and I can feel the hands holding on to me, pulling me back. Only time will tell if I make it into the light.

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